Beowulf af Majors

Refsgårds Spot On Dicaprio (Sanders Bogart - Sanders Bounty) x Trysøes Annemone (Cocos Cognac - Ravaldi)
Beowulf is a Purebred Sport type Knabstrupper stallion that will hopefully have a bright future as a Murder Hollow stallion. Beowulf was inspected by Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark as a foal and received a 9 overall with compliments on his uphill and powerful movement.
Beowulf is a homozygous fewspot (LP/LP, PATN1/PATN1).
2023 Breeding Fees:
2023 North America Breeding Fee: Not available for 2023
2023 North America Frozen Per Dose: Not available for 2023
2023 Breeding Contracts:
2023 North America Breeding Contract: Not available for 2023
Height: anticipated to mature to 16.2 hh
Birth Year: 2022
Registry: Knabstrupperforeningen for Danmark (KNN - Knabstrupper)
Approvals: Knabstrupper pending
Fresh Semen Availability: pending
Frozen Semen Availability: pending
Bred by: Stutteri Sartor
Color & Pattern: LP/LP, PATN1/PATN1
Stallion Health:
Radiographs: pending (Spring 2023)
EVA Negative, Vaccinated Annually
PSSM1 n/n
WFFS1 n/n
Beowulf af Majors

Trysøes Annemone
Sanders Bogart
Sanders Bounty
Cocos Cognac
Cocos Irish Magic
Refsgårds Spot On Dicaprio
Tækkers Darling
Click Name to link to HorseTelex
Beowulf will have his first progeny on the ground in 2026