Pax Asgard af Pegasus x Jamaica Skrødstrup 2022

Pax Asgard af Pegasus (Pegasus Vom Niehaus-Hof - Ambrosius af Asgard) x Jamaica Skrødstrup
(Ecuador Skrødstrup - Conetti Lynghoj)
We are excited to have our very first Knabstrupper x Knabstrupper breeding in 2022!
Knabstrupper stallion, Pax Asgard af Pegasus, is quickly becoming one of the most prolific sires of high quality Knabstrupper offspring in North America. He is proving to be a versatile and powerful horse – Pax is ridden in dressage, driven in harness, and has recently started jumping and is showing serious natural jumping talent. In 2021, Pax competed in the Get of Sire class at the world-renowned Dressage at Devon earning a Bronze with a collective mark of 77.15 points to finish behind serial winner KWPN sire Sir Sinclair and the 7-year-old Oldenburg stallion Davos CF and beating out several traditional Warmblood stallions. Pax and his offspring are paving the way to a spotty and sporty showring.
Jamaica Skrødstrup was bred by Niels Fynbo Pedersen and imported to the USA from Denmark as a foal. Jamaica was awarded Premium at the 2009 KNN grading. In 2010, Jamaica was one of the very few Danish Knabstrupper mares to compete and pass the KNN Performance Test. Jamaica had a successful eventing career earning the 2014 Nutrena U.S.E.A. A.E.C. Champion Novice title. Jamaica has also been trained in harness for driving and is a talented and quick learner who is happy to work in whatever discipline she is asked. Jamaica produced a successful daughter in 2014 via embryo transfer. P.H. Lev Livit took 1st place at the Area 8 Championships in eventing.
Jamaica is by Ecuador Skrødstrup. Ecuador earned best KNN Stallion of 2009 and has produced several successful offspring both in Denmark and the USA. Ecuador is also a full sibling to Colorado Skrødstrup, who performed the 70-day stallion test. Colorado impressed both judges, riders and attendees with his athletic ability and finished 3rd in Dressage and 5th overall against a very impressive group of Warmblood stallions. Jamaica is out of Alberta Skrødstrup, who is by Knabstrupper stallion Conetti Lynghoj. Conetti was a rare 17.1h – which for a Knabstrupper is uncommonly large. Conetti was by the Oldenburg stallion, Aleksander.
Year of Birth: 2022 (anticipated)
Registry: Knabstrupper
Status: Anticipated arrival
Price: Unlisted until birth
Price: Unlisted until birth
Pax x Jamaica Skrødstrup 2022

Jamaica Skrødstrup
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